E Series Fails GRIDview Update
The E2 Series was powered but was without an Internet connection for a long period of time, once reconnected the Tags fail to update. The status report updates once but fails further updates.
This is caused by data logged during the Offline period being re-stored to GRIDview. This process may take several hours. If the user wishes to delete this buffer, then a shortened .csv file can be uploaded to GRIDview that will eliminate most all of the tags.
Once sucessfully completed the original .csv file will have to be reloaded.
Notify GRIDlink support with the serial number and they will take care of it.
After an update to deadband in Device / Tags the Tags Failed to Completely Update
In one occurrence of this error a DO Device Tag had a 10 second Scan delay* but also had a 10 second Max delay*. This was found in View / Data Summary where this tag had unusually large number of records.
This explains the problem as this was sending the same data every 10 seconds 24-7. When the Tags were exported others were found. There is no reason that any tag’s Max delay* should not be disabled.
A new csv with all Max delay* disabled was uploaded and the CE was rebooted. It then worked properly.
Tags Failed to Update in GRIDview but the time was correct on the E2
Make sure the correct T24 csv file was uploaded from _Engineering\__GRIDlink RAM ADR Development.
Soft Reboot from RAM user interface, if step one does not correct.