GRIDlink User Manual

ADR Client Aborts or Restarts Continuously

by | Sep 11, 2019 | Trouble Shooting 113 135 Series-Group, Trouble Shooting Open ADR 2.0b-Group

This guide applies to 2.0b only.

Symptom is the DO4 LED remains off and the GRIDlink  consistently will not connect tot the VTN. The logs report restarting of the VEN client every minute or so.

There are 2 possibilities of where the problem may lie. Follow these instructions:

Case 1

Make any corrections required, change Staus to PENDING & Save

Inspect the state.ini file that the venID and vtnID match what is listed on the VTN. Any syntax error will cause the continuous restarts.

  (example using GL152402.ven in replace of GL152402)

Case 2

1 – Select Certs file (text)

2 – A Carriage Return is required at the end of the vtn-ca-certificates.crt

3 – Set Status to PENDING

4 – Save

Make the above changes and wait for the status page to catch up to the current time. If results are still not showing, reboot the GL.