* Quick Start Guide (E Series-ADR)
Network Planning
If a cellular router is being used to provide Internet connectivity, you can skip the Network Planning section of this document.
For installations relying on a corporate Local Area Network (LAN) for Internet access, it’s crucial to coordinate with the IT Manager in advance. Ensure that the GRIDlink ADR is permitted to function as a DHCP client on the network. To streamline this process, provide the IT department with a detailed request outlining the requirements. Refer to the "Letter to IT Manager" section in the User Manual for a sample request template.
IP Address (Static vs. DHCP)
GRIDlink VENs are preconfigured with the WAN port set to DHCP by default. If a static IP address is required for the installation, it is recommended to configure this on a known network at your office prior to arriving at the job site.
For detailed guidance, refer to the "Change DHCP to Static IP" section in the User Manual or contact Technical Support for step-by-step assistance.
Prior to arriving at the job site..
Sign Up for GRIDview
Obtain an account to make installation easier. Sign Up..
Notify Support via email (support@gridlinktechnologies.com) that you wish to be added to a GRIDview account.
Schedule Support
If this is your first installation, it is important to contact support to schedule a time for us to be available to answer any questions that may arise during the installation.
Schedule through: support@gridlinktechnologies.com
Include a return phone number.
Router Capabilities
There are five 10/100 Ethernet ports on the E Series. Port 5 is the WAN port and should be plugged into the Local Area Network with a pathway to the Internet. It is the only device which needs an IP Address from the Local Area Network.
Because the E Series is also a DHCP Server, all other devices connected on Ports 1 through 4 operate as a sub network. These ports are set to receive a DHCP lease starting at and ending at and can be used to connect other devices like Modbus meters, HMIs or BMS . Units on the LAN ports can be configured for MAC to IP resolution in the WEB UI.
Easy 3 Step Installation
1. Connect load shed relay
E / T24 Series has 1 DPDT available relay output for Moderate or High Signal which is configurable in the UI set up.
Relay + (pos) to PWR, relay – (neg) to GND
All DR Signal elements can be accessed via Modbus TCP

Quick Start Guide for ADR
- * Quick Start Guide (E Series-ADR)
- * Quick Start Guide (E-T24 Series-ADR)
- * Quick Start Guide (E2 Series-ADR)
- * Quick Start Guide (Gemini-ADR)
- Change DHCP to Static IP – E Series
- Letter to IT Manager
- Manual Relay Testing
- Network Planning
- Quick Start Guide (113/135 ADR) Series
- Synchronize System Clock – E Series
2. Connect 10-30VDC regulated power
+ (pos) to PWR,
– (neg) to GND
Note factory supplied Relay has a 24VDC coil
3. Insert the CAT5E cable from the LAN to the RJ45 port
Connect Local Area Network to port 5 (WAN).
Caution, connecting to any other port will prevent Internet connection
If a Text Message Subscription was set up in advance, a SMS text will be received stating that the GRIDlink is ON LINE with GRIDview.
You are finished!
Connection to the Utility Server
GRIDlink is generally shipped with a test account to the Utility’s server, so this connection does not need to be configured prior to or during installation. It serves to confirm the connection. No test Events will be sent from this account.
When the account information for server connection is received from the Utility it can be loaded over GRIDview at any time. Contact support for any questions.