Loading the GRIDview sxClient via Toolkit is a 2-step process as there are 2 files.

OpenSSL (which must be loaded first if GRIDview hasn’t been loaded before.)
sxClient GRIDview.

Preliminary Set Up

If you do not have Toolkit installed on your PC then go to Toolkit – Installing Latest Version.
You will need a serial cable Assembly if you are not able to connect via Ethernet.
Use the latest Toolkit project. It is not necessary to download the toolkit in this process.
You should also receive 2 .tgz files:
Place both into an easy-to-access folder.
Click on the .6pj  file to open it.

Load OpenSSL

(if never loaded before otherwise skip to Load sxClient)

Configure Station Module > User Software
Delete any files that are in the queue
Add a File (only to this station) > Install a Tar file (OK)
At the bottom change Files of Type to Zipped Tar Files (*.tgz)
Select the OpenSSL *.tgz file > Open > OK
The file should appear in the Local Path (Source) > OK

sxClient - GRIDview install

Load SSL into GRIDlink

Operations > Load > Load Software
Allow load to complete

To Reboot

Operations > Advanced Operations > Perform Hard Reset

Load sxClient

(using the same process)

Configure Station Module > User Software
Delete the OpenSSL file that if in the queue
Add a File (only to this station) > Install a Tar file (OK)
At the bottom change Files of Type to Zipped Tar Files (*.tgz)
Select the sxClient GRIDview *.tgz file > Open > OK
The file should appear in the Local Path (Source) > OK > OK

Load sxClient into GRIDlink

Operations > Load > Load Software
Allow load to complete
It may take a few minutes for the GRIDlink to be online in GRIDview