by engineering | Aug 31, 2015 | FAQ 113-135 Series-Group
oadrResponseRequired GRIDlink ADR “ResponseRequired” is sent by the VTN and must always be followed by the VEN. This is part of the specification and is therefore automatic and not configurable in...
by engineering | Aug 11, 2015 | FAQ 113-135 Series-Group
Send a Test Signal to GRIDlink through GRIDview GRIDlink ADR To send a test signal to the GRIDlink, you should first check to make sure that the “Transfer All” option is disabled. If the page looks like this, then “Transfer All” is enabled. When “Transfer All” is on...
by engineering | Aug 5, 2015 | Trouble Shooting 113 135 Series-Group
DO 4 cycling On-Off The Digital Output 4 is a visual indicator that GRIDlink is not only connecting to the Demand Response Server but is also parsing payloads properly. If there was a configuration or software problem DO4 would not be on at all. There are a number of...