by engineering | Feb 26, 2017 | Configuration Initial IPm-Group, Configuration Tools IPm-Group, Toolkit-Group
Show DHCP Status – Toolkit The standard configuration is DHCP. This enables the user to determine what IP address was assigned to the unit. Configuring 113/135 Series 1. Open a Toolkit project and connect to the IPm via Serial Connection 2. Operations /...
by engineering | Feb 26, 2017 | FAQ General-Group
Is there any pairing relationship between the module and the base? wtfdivi014-url0 Frequently Asked Questions There is generally no issue swapping modules and bases but here are some important things to know: The serial number is hard coded into a processor on...
by engineering | Feb 25, 2017 | Modbus Communications-Group
Modbus Registers 2.0b – 113/135 Series All OpenADR registers are available to Read via Modbus TCP (Ethernet) or RTU (serial) for use in a Building Management System or any Control Device capable of initiating a Modbus signal. The control can be as simple as...
by engineering | Feb 20, 2017 | FAQ General-Group
What does “Epoch” and “Epoch clock” mean? wtfdivi014-url0 Frequently Asked Questions Unix time (also known as POSIX time or epoch time) is a system for describing instants in time, defined as the number of seconds that have elapsed since 00:00:00 Coordinated Universal...
by engineering | Feb 5, 2017 | Configuration Advanced IPm-Group, Networking-Group, Procedure Change to Static IP 113/135-Group, Toolkit-Group
Change DHCP to Static IP – Toolkit GRIDlinks are shipped from the factory set for DHCP and should automatically run on any network provided there is a DHCP server. These are the final steps to change to Static IP. DNS Considerations. When the GRIDlink is changed...